Wave 1-5-2024

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


North Lake School 7th and 8th grade artists have made a resolution for 2024 to make their community more beautiful.  Two art installations will be showcased at a local business and coffee shop (PerCSoft Dental Technology Consulting and Rivers Edge).  This magic was made possible by international mosaic artist, Carrie O’Malley, who donated her time, talent, and materials to the North Lake School Community.  If you would like to learn more about our artist in residence, please visit https://carrieomalley.com/.



Due to the overwhelming attendance numbers at Mr. Krieger’s Winter concert, we will split the Spring Visual & Vocal Arts Concert into two nights.  Thursday, March 14th will be the 5th-8th grade choir concert at 6 p.m. in the big gym.  Friday, March 15th will be the K-4th grade general music concert at 5 p.m. in the big gym.  Mrs. Lyons’ art show will be incorporated into both programs.  Thank you for your support of the fine arts programming at North Lake School.

Spring Concert


All Arrowhead Area K-8 Schools are committed to showing the latest Screenagers film:  Under the Influence.  This film is appropriate for 6th through 8th grade students and their parents.  Swallow School is hosting a free community showing on Tuesday, January 9th at 6 p.m.  North Lake parents are also invited to attend the North Lake student showing for 6th grade on Friday, January 12th at 1:30 p.m. in the Lakers Library.  For your planning purposes, the film is approximately 51 minutes long.  Seventh and eighth grade students will also be viewing Screenagers during their health classes, January 16th or 17th.  


Special congratulations to Rylan Ecker!  Rylan was the 2023 Patriots’ Pen winner and Veteran’s Day reader.  The Hartland VFW sponsors this annual contest and the winner receives a $100 prize.  Ms. Mays, 7th grade Literacy teacher, is keeping the written word alive as well as honoring patriotism. 



Poutine is a Canadian dish composed of french fries, cheese curds, bacon, and gravy.  Originally, we served poutine to integrate the culture of Canada in 6th grade Social Studies.  This item remains on the school menu due to its popularity.

Parents, please join us for hot lunch provided by Mrs. Cull’s Farm Kitchen.  You are welcome to order a hot lunch through the office and enjoy lunch with your child.  The lunch hours are 11:00 a.m. 5-6th grade, 11:20 a.m. 7-8th grade, 11:50 a.m. K-2nd, and 12:20 p.m. 3-4th grade.  The adult cost is $4.25, and the monthly menu is located on the North Lake School website.

Dr. Ackley’s favorites include Honey Chicken Drummettes, Chicken Stir Fry, and Gyros. 

Bon Appetit!

Canada flag

First Lego League Robotics

Hello North Lake Families,

Join our 3rd season of FIRST LEGO League robotics at NLS!  FLL is an exciting program that uses LEGOs to foster familiarity and enjoyment around STEAM topics. This year’s theme – Master Piece – combines robotics with art, music, and entertainment… something very different than years past!

Send an email to gcornell@supportnls.org to get more information if your child is interested!  The
season will kick off in mid-January, so sign-up soon!

Hype video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTvP165wi3E

January Dates to Remember


School Resumes – January 2

Boys Basketball Practices Begin


Culver’s Night 


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on generating ideas and planning

Screenagers at Swallow School – 6 p.m.


Pajama Day 

Screenagers at North Lake School – 1:30-2:30 p.m. – Library


7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Erin – 4:30 p.m.


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on writing a rough draft

5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.

6th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.

8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Richmond – 6:30 p.m.


School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. Conference Room 116

8th Grade Orientation at Arrowhead – 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.


End of 2nd Quarter

5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Erin – 5:30 p.m.

7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Lake Country – 4:30 p.m.

8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Lake Country – 5:30 p.m.


No School – Inservice


5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Swallow – 4:30 p.m.

7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.

8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on editing and illustrating

5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.

6th Grade Boys Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.


5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.

6th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Lake Country – 5:30 p.m.

7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.

8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 6:30 p.m.


Mother/Son Event at NLS – 12-2pm (Bowling)


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on completing the final copy

5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at North Shore – 4:30 p.m.

6th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.

8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.


7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.

8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.

Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake Families!

Happy New Year to all of you.  I hope that you were able to enjoy some good, relaxing family time this holiday season.  We talked about the joy of giving this holiday season. It was fun to listen to the kids change their focus for a little bit and think about the joy that comes with doing good for others.  

Date Reminders:

SCREENAGERS:  Tuesday, 1/9 – 6:00 pm at Swallow School (community event)

RSVP using this form

PAJAMA DAY:  Friday, 1/12

SCREENAGERS:  Friday, 1/12 – 1:30 pm at North Lake School Library (6th grade and NLS parents only)

Resource Share:  Doing Good Together

If you would like to instill some simple service ideas into your family routine check out www.doing good together.org.  I love their idea of a Family Service Fair.  This would be a fun thing to do with a team, family event, scout troop or anyone you want to get together with to do good!  If you subscribe to their newsletter, you’ll get weekly ideas for family focused activities to help others.  

As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!

Take care-

Jill Lesch

A Note from Ms. Meister...

Happy New Year 2024.  Welcome back to school.

At this time of year, when many of us make resolutions and set new goals, it is the perfect time to think about setting a goal for reading and writing.  Participating in Literacy Lights the Night is a great opportunity to shine.  Get your stories ready and join us on Thursday, February 8th in the school library.

Literacy Lights the Night
lck open house
CFC Info
Duckpin bowling form
Mother Son Bowling

WAVE 12-15-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


Research supports higher test scores in smaller K-8 districts than larger K-12 districts.  This data places the North Lake School District among the top performing districts in the state.  Recently, U.S. News and World Report ranked the North Lake School District’s Middle School as #1 in the state!  There is more good news…the North Lake School District teachers were Niche rated #2 best teachers in the state!  These accolades support the benefits of a K-8 educational model.  Keep in mind, the North Lake School District is in the bottom 25% of state funding (source: State of Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Informational Report #27 on School District Revenue Limits and Referenda, January 2023).   Feel free to brag about your child’s GREAT K-8 at your holiday gatherings.  A District that continues to do more with less!

US NEW #1 Middle School


It is always a busy time of year, and everyone is excited for Mr. Krieger’s concert tonight!

A couple reminders:

  • Slow down in the school parking lot.  Do not enter the Hwy. V V exit.  Try to be cautious and courteous during the drop off and pick up times.  Parents continue to be concerned so we need the North Lake School Community to COME TOGETHER for the safety of our children.
  • Students should arrive at their K-4th grade classrooms and 5th-8th grade choir room by 4:30 p.m. tonight.
  • There will be a full house for the show.  If you need preferential seating, please contact the office today.
  • Students should wear holiday dressy attire while keeping in mind it will get warm in the big gym.
  • If you are a fan of K-4, sit on the north side.  If you are a fan of 5-8, sit on the south side.

Finally, enjoy the show and be sure to support the North Lake Rec Club Community Tree Lighting following the performance at 6:15 p.m.

music snowflakes


I received this text after dropping off the coats and wanted you to know how appreciated the coat drive was for Lake Country Caring.  I think the timing was perfect!

Thanks so much for dropping off today. The kids’ coat rack was basically empty on the bottom but was full of all sizes after the North Lake School donation was sorted.

  – Lake Country Caring Staff



In the spirit of “Come Together,” some of our grade levels have been buddying up to do special projects.  What a great opportunity for connection and strengthening our North Lake family!  Here are our 7th graders and 3rd graders working together to create their ornaments.

Ornament making
ornament making
Culvers Night


More cool cash was made at Culver’s Night.  Thank you to Mrs. Andorfer and Miss Wartman for their service with a smile.  The next Culver’s Night will be Monday, January 8th from 5-8 p.m.  

Lake Country Kindergarten Concert

Awesome Academics

Makey 2
Makey 1
Makey 4
Makey Makey


Submitted by Mr. Kaczor’s 5th Grade Science Classes

In today’s rapidly changing technology driven world, it is crucial for students to develop a deep understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. One exciting way to engage students in the world of electronics and circuits is through the creation of controllers using everyday supplies such as cardboard, paper, aluminum foil, and tape. By integrating a Makey Makey, an invention kit, into the learning process, 5th grade students go on a fascinating journey to design and develop their own video games or activities. 

The project begins with an introduction to the basic principles of electricity and circuits. Students explore the properties of conductive materials, such as aluminum foil, and learn how to create simple circuits using these materials. They discover that by connecting the Makey Makey to their circuits, they can transform everyday objects into interactive input devices, allowing them to control various software applications.

One of the key aspects of this project is encouraging creativity and resourcefulness. Students use cardboard, paper, aluminum foil, and tape, as they work to design and construct their own unique game controllers. The process involves brainstorming ideas, sketching designs, and prototyping their creations. By utilizing their problem-solving skills, students learn to overcome challenges and improve their designs to ensure success.

Once the controllers are built, students connect them to the Makey Makey, a fun little microcontroller (link) that acts as a bridge between the physical cardboard controllers and their Chromebook. By attaching alligator clips from the Makey Makey to specific areas of their controllers, students establish connections that simulate keyboard inputs. As a result, their creations can now control student-designed video games or activities on their Chromebook computers.

With their controllers ready, students unleash their creativity to develop video games or activities that reflect their interests. They designed racing games, just dance games, push up contest games, shuttle race activities, or any other interactive experience they envision. By utilizing programming platforms like Tynker, students learn fundamental coding concepts while bringing their games to life. They integrate their controllers as input devices, enabling players to navigate through the games or interact with the activities.

The integration of simple circuits, everyday supplies, and the Makey Makey invention kit provides 5th grade students with a wonderful opportunity to explore the world of electronics, coding, and even a little game design. Through hands-on experimentation, critical thinking, and creativity, students not only gain a deeper understanding of STEM concepts but also develop invaluable skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance. This interactive project empowers young learners to become inventors, designers, and programmers, fostering a passion for STEM that will serve them well in the ever evolving digital age.

As we plan for future STEM activities in 5th grade, we kindly request your support in donating some materials. If possible, we would greatly appreciate donations of duct tape, aluminum foil, masking tape, Makey Makey kit(s), and thin copper wire. Your contributions will help enhance our students’ hands-on learning experiences. Thank you for your continued support!

December Dates to Remember


K-8 Holiday Concert – 5:00 p.m.


School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. – Conference Room


Ugly Sweater Day


No School – Winter Break – December 25 to January 1

January Dates to Remember


School Resumes – January 2

Boys Basketball Practices Begin


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on generating ideas and planning

Screenagers at Swallow School – 6 p.m.


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on writing a rough draft


School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. Conference Room 116

8th Grade Orientation at Arrowhead


End of 2nd Quarter


No School – Inservice


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on editing and illustrating


Mother/Son Event at NLS – 12-2pm (Bowling)


Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on completing the final copy

Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake Families!

I hope that you are saving the date for the screening of Screenagers at Swallow School on January 9th.  Our 6th – 8th grade students will be watching this film here at school after the parent viewing.  This is an excellent opportunity for you to see it first and allow for some conversations about the impacts of technology on so many pieces of their lives.  For parents of younger students, you will get some guidance and support for thinking about these impacts and setting some guidelines for use early!  For more information, see the Community Bulletin Board – Screenagers.

In thinking about this popular topic, I wanted to share a resource with you that is my go-to place for questions and advice about media, technology, apps, movies, and so much more.  The site is called Common Sense media.  Here is the link: www.commonsensemedia.org/  I hope that you will find as much value in this as I do!

As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!

Take care-

Jill Lesch


The Leadership Group helped spread holiday cheer by doing a gift wrapping service project for their teachers.  Students spent the afternoon wrapping gifts brought in by teachers so that teachers could just take them home and put them under their trees. Students are hoping that it helped take a little holiday stress away from their teachers who work so hard.  Happy Holidays from the Leadership Elves!

gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrappers


Our 3rd and 4th graders have been invited to be a part of  Lead With Me which is designed to give students an early start in developing leadership skills.  Activities are run by leaders in the community who share their knowledge through engaging activities each session.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Lindsay Kent at leadwithme.kent@gmail.com.

You can see they had a fun first session!


A Note from Ms. Meister...

It’s that time of year to begin thinking about Literacy Lights the Night.  This is a great opportunity for your child to showcase his or her writing talents.  Workshop nights will once again be offered after school in January for additional help.  The flyer below is being sent home today, December 15th with students.  So let’s brighten this winter with another fun filled evening of students’ creativity, Thursday, February 8th.  For questions, please contact Kathleen Wartman, ext. 104.

Literacy Lights the Night
Tree lighting
NLEF 12-15
community events

WAVE 12-1-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .

A Quick Coat Drive

North Lake School likes to help others in need any time of year but especially during the winter months.  This year, North Lake School will partner with Lake Country Caring to conduct a coat drive.  This quick coat drive will run for one week only, December 4th – 8th.  New and gently used coats are needed in all sizes for men, boys, and girls.  There is a table to collect the coats across from the office.  

Coat Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik

Get to Know the Staff  

It is that time of year when parents want to show their appreciation for the North Lake teaching staff.  If you want to learn more about your child’s teachers and their interests, please visit the North Lake website under the District/Staff Directory.  Click the Get to Know the Staff button at the top of the page for more information. 

170+ Child Eye Exam Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Child eye exam machine

Can you see me now?

The Stone Bank Lions Club will volunteer their time to check Kindergarten through 4th grade vision.  They will be conducting the screening on Wednesday, December 6th throughout the school day.  Early intervention is important in all developmental areas including eye health.   Hearing tests are not performed any more so please be sure to perform these with your pediatrician. 

Red Cross Blood Drive – Life Saving Medicine

Jenelle Blavat spoke to students during their lunch hours on Wednesday about the upcoming Blood Drive on Monday, December 11th.  The student body was encouraged to get their adults to sign up and will receive an incentive (red kickball and Sky Zone admission).  Please see the North Lake School website for sign up information in the Community section.  Let’s get as much life saving medicine (blood) for our community as we can!

Spring Blood Drive | Reynolds School District - Oregon

What should I wear to Mr. Krieger’s Holiday Concert?

The attire for Mr. Krieger’s Kindergarten through 8th grade holiday concert on December 15th is dressy holiday.  Your child should look nice but please don’t dress too warmly as it gets hot with so many people in the big gym.  Your child should arrive at his or her classroom by 4:30 p.m.  The concert will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m.  Please plan on a one hour show followed by the Community Tree Lighting sponsored by the North Lake Rec Club at the Old North Lake Fire Department.  It should be another EPIC experience for the North Lake School community.

180+ Kids Christmas Concert Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | School christmas

Awesome Academics

Science experiment

Submitted by:  Mr. Kaczor’s 6th Grade Science

In a captivating classroom experiment, a group of enthusiastic 6th-grade students embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries of sublimation. Mr. Kaczor was safely armed with small blocks of dry ice, their mission was to observe firsthand how this unique substance undergoes a phase change from a solid directly to a gas.

The students eagerly gathered around the dry ice, its chilly presence immediately capturing their attention. 

Mr. Kaczor explained, sublimation is a remarkable process where a substance transforms directly from a solid to a gas, bypassing the liquid phase. Dry ice, composed of solid carbon dioxide, was the ideal medium to witness this captivating transformation.

With great care, Mr. Kaczor placed small cubes of dry ice into cups at each lab station. Then adding small amounts of warm water to each dry ice cup, observing the immediate formation of a hazy fog. The sublimation process was underway, as the solid carbon dioxide rapidly transformed into a gas, creating a mesmerizing display.  They decided to take this experiment one step further by capturing this elusive fog in a bubble of soap.

Excitement filled the air as the students noted the unique properties of sublimation. They observed how the dry ice seemed to disappear without leaving behind any liquid residue, showcasing the direct conversion from solid to gas. The fog produced during sublimation provided a visible demonstration of the gas particles escaping into the surrounding environment.

In this hands-on exploration, the students not only witnessed the magic of sublimation but also deepened their understanding of physical and chemical properties. They gained a newfound appreciation for the complex transformations that occur in the world around them, sparking their curiosity to explore further the captivating realm of science.

AMSAC Consolation Champs!

Girls Basketball Consolation Champs

This week, the combined 5th and 6th grade North Lake girls’ basketball team won the 6th Grade AMSAC Girls’ Basketball Consolation Championship.  Way to Go Lakers!

December Dates to Remember


NLEF Courtyard Collaboration – December 1-8


Vision Screening 4K – 4th Grade – 7:30-2:30pm


Red Cross Blood Drive – 2:00-6:30pm – MPR


K-8 Holiday Concert – 5:00pm


School Board Meeting – 5:30pm – Conference Room


Ugly Sweater Day


No School – Winter Break – December 25 to January 1

January Dates to Remember


School Resumes – January 2

Boys Basketball Practices Begin

Counseling Corner

Hello families!

ACP (Academic and Career Planning) is a process of exploration and self assessment which culminates in a plan that our students take with them to high school as they prepare for their future.  Starting in Kindergarten, we do age appropriate activities to explore different careers and learn about ourselves.  In 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, we work with Xello to document some of this learning for future reference.

At North Lake, a large part of our ACP activities are supported by Junior Achievement.  

What does this involve?

  • 5-7 lessons in your child’s classroom (or another of your choice!)
  • Flexible scheduling with the classroom teacher
  • Brief training with JA to get you on board
  • Lessons provided by Junior Achievement – you just teach them!

We want to thank the parents that are already on board!

4th Grade:  Kelly Nielsen

5th Grade:  Sari Day and Liz VanSlett

6th Grade:  Renee Nies

Would you like to join us?  

Please contact your child’s classroom teacher or me if you have questions or are interested!  We’d love to have you join us.

As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!

Take care-

Jill Lesch

A Note from Ms. Meister

🎧  A friendly reminder- all students must have wired headphones at school for computer use, and especially for online testing.  Please confirm that your child is set up for success with comfortably fitting, working, wired headphones.  

Thank you.

Winter coat drive

The link to the Forensic permission slip may be found in the Community Bulletin Board.

The link to the Forensic permission slip may be found in the Community Bulletin Board.

The link to the Forensic permission slip may be found in the Community Bulletin Board.

Tree lighting
Community corner flyer

Wave 11-17-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


North Lake School District residents recently provided their input on the District’s financial needs through a survey aimed at addressing urgent budget challenges.  Nearly 73% of residents expressed support for adding a referendum question to the April 2024 ballot.  Key takeaways from the community-wide survey can be found on the Referendum tab on the District’s website and in the WAVE Attachments above the Community Bulletin Board. 

Report Cards went home today! |


As a reminder your child’s first quarter report card is posted in Skyward under the Portfolio tile.  If you need help with your login, please contact the office.  Overall, the NLS teaching staff was pleased with the academic progress demonstrated by students since the start of the year.  Teachers recognize that there is a significant transition from grade to grade, especially from the lower (K-4) to the upper (5-8) school experience.  Students are well supported with the looping structure which brings consistency of core classes and teachers.


Traditional snow days still exist at North Lake School.  This tradition means it is a day off of school to stay home in your nice warm pajamas with hot cocoa.  North Lake School follows the Arrowhead Union High School closures for inclement weather.  Parents will receive a phone call and an email when school is closed.

Snow Days are The Best Days, Winter Sublimation Design, perfect on t  shirts, mugs, signs, cards and much more 4413366 Vector Art at Vecteezy


Mrs. Jayne Krajewski is a retired teacher from Merton Community School District and has joined the North Lake School staff as a substitute teacher.  Mrs. Krajewski is experienced, professional, and a joy to work with.  In her spare time, Jayne enjoys walking and biking as well as being a fabulous Nana!  Fall is her favorite time of year, so recess duties were welcomed.  We are glad to have Mrs. Krajewski at North Lake School.

Sub with students


A noteworthy thanks to the NLEF Community and Fellowship Committee going above and beyond to celebrate our Vets.  An incredible turnout of Vets and their families made the day extra special.  It is truly the spirit of volunteerism demonstrated by parents that makes North Lake School stand out among its neighbors.

Veterans Day photos coming in the next WAVE.

Veterans Day


Wis. Admin. Code § PI 9.06 requires school districts to evaluate the status of nondiscrimination and equity of educational opportunity at least every five years and report results to the Department of Public Instruction.  As part of this evaluation, parents and residents are invited to participate in the process and explore nondiscrimination and equity of education in schools.  If you are interested in participating, please contact the office for more information.

Achieving Outside NLS...


The sixth grade Girls Scout Troop completed a Safe Sitting class at Ascension Hospital in Brookfield.  The scouts learned babysitting business skills, child growth and development milestones, and practical life saving strategies such as CPR and the Heimlich maneuver.  Give the girls a call to babysit so you can enjoy an evening out on the town!


Big smiles for these former North Lakers:  Charlie Andorfer (senior), Logan Neitzel (junior), Coach Mechenich (his 3 children attended NLS), and Nikko Javier (senior).   Arrowhead Boys Varsity Volleyball took home the silver ball placing 2nd at the 2023 State Tournament and were also 2023 Co-conference champs. Congratulations to our North Lake Alumni! Go Lakers! Go Hawks!

Cool Cash from Culver's

Thank you for supporting Culver’s Nights.  The fundraising dollars help families in need through NLS Funds for Families.  Thank you to the Wagner family and Mrs. Minor for serving at Culver’s.

The next Culver’s Night is December 11 with Mrs. Andorfer and Ms. Wartman from 5-8 p.m.


LEGOS Robotic Coaches Needed

We are looking for coaches to volunteer for the upcoming FIRST LEGO League Robotics Team.  This year’s theme will mix robotics with art and music.  Please contact gcornell@supportnls.org if interested. 


November Dates to Remember


Arrowhead Area 7-8 Dance – 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.


Disney Day


NO School – Thanksgiving Recess


NO School – Thanksgiving Recess


NO School – Thanksgiving Recess


AMSAC Girls’ 5th & 6th Basketball Tournament Begins


4th Grade Field Trip to Skylight Music Theatre – 8:55 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Counseling Corner


Hello North Lake Families!

I spent time in all grade levels recently talking about gratitude.  We talked about the science of gratitude, which is really interesting.  Did you know that people who show gratitude sleep better, strengthen their immune systems, strengthen relationships, increase self esteem, and decrease anxiety and depression?  

This is one topic that all students get excited about.  They often talk about it with me for weeks following our lessons.  This shows me that they feel the positive impact too!  You could follow up with this as a family by writing in a gratitude journal each night, writing letters of gratitude, or creating a gratitude jar that you enter one thing in as a family each night.  What a fun thing to look back on when things aren’t going so well!

Upcoming Spirit Day:  Disney Day on Tuesday, November 21st!

As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!

Take care-

Jill Lesch

A Note from Ms. Meister...

The scores are in. The 2022-23 DPI School Report Card has arrived! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

North Lake School is pleased with its continued ranking of “significantly exceeds expectations” on the state report card.  Although the overall score dropped slightly to 88.4%, our achievement score was high at 92.2%. North Lake School upholds its tradition of high expectations and strong academic programming. We are proud of our student performance and staff commitment. Let’s keep up the good work!

Results for the Wisconsin Forward Exam – North Lake School – Spring 2023

           ELA All School – 67.4

           Math All School – 69.8

           Social Studies Grades 4 & 8 – 88

           Science Grades 4 & 8 – 90.7

If you have comments, questions, concerns please contact me.

Email: meinan@northlakeschool.org

Phone: (262) 966-2033 Ext. 134

The link to the Forensic permission slip may be found in the Community Bulletin Board.

dance 78
Tree lighting
NLEF flyer
Community corner

Wave 11-3-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


North Lake School opens its library to the community before and after school.  The schedule is 7:00-7:30 a.m. and 2:30-4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.  Kindergarten through 3rd grade students may attend with a parent, and 4th through 8th grade students may attend independently.  This opportunity provides children a chance to make a choice by signing themselves in and out of the Learning Lab.  Programs like this are meant to foster independence and develop study skills.  

Once a student signs out, he/she is no longer under the school’s supervision.  For example, children have checked out of the Learning Lab early to play on the playground with friends, leave to go to the Town Hall Library, or do not actually attend the Learning Lab.  Parents, please check in with your child on his/her after school plans.  The only District sponsored after school supervision is the Learning Lab (in the Lakers Library) or Extended Day program.  


Overall, the Parent Teacher Conferences were successful.  Thank you parents for taking time to meet with your child’s teachers.  We recognize that the 5-6 team still experienced challenges connecting with families.  Please know that teachers are available any time, not just on conference day if needed.  If there are any concerns across the K-8 classrooms, don’t delay in reaching out to your child’s teachers, Mrs. Lesch, Ms. Meister, or Dr. Ackley.

The teaching staff had another great dinner.  Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Findley and their team of parent volunteers for making the MPR into a marvelous Mexican Fiesta.  ¡Ole! 



Parents must fill out the Medication Administration Authorization form in order for practitioner prescribed and/or over the counter medications to be administered at school.  NO students should have access to medication in their backpack.  This policy is for the health and wellness of your child.  The form can be found on the website under Parents/Important Resources.


As part of the 2023-2024 North Lake School District Initiatives, the upper and lower schools are joining forces through the K8 Buddy Bonding program.  Recently, 8th grade and 1st grade met in the Lakers Library to partner read and build relationships. 


Red Ribbon Week School Spirit

Red Ribbon Cheerleaders

Happy Halloween!

k2 dojo teachers
34 pacman teachers

Spirit Wear Orders Due November 6th

North Lake Logo

North Lake School Spirit Wear orders are due Monday, November 6th.  Orders after November 6th will not be accepted. 

Please use this link https://nlspiritwear23.itemorder.com/  to find the online store.  NOTE:  Click on the item to see options for NLS.  All items are NLS/AHS compatible.  Go Lakers!

LEGOS Robotic Coaches Needed

We are looking for coaches to volunteer for the upcoming FIRST LEGO League Robotics Team.  This year’s theme will mix robotics with art and music.  Please contact gcornell@supportnls.org if interested. 


First Snow of the Season

WAVE Correction

Gail Shine has two beautiful grandchildren not one.

November Dates to Remember


End of 1st Quarter
Mismatch Day


Veterans Day Brunch – Program at 9:00 a.m. followed by Brunch at 10:00 a.m.


NLEF Food Drive Begins – November 13-17
Culver’s Night 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.


School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. Conference Room


Staff Meeting  – 2:45 p.m.


Arrowhead Area 7-8 Dance – 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.


Disney Day


NO School – Thanksgiving Recess


NO School – Thanksgiving Recess


NO School – Thanksgiving Recess


4th Grade Field Trip to Skylight Music Theatre – 8:55 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Counseling Corner

Hello families!

It was great to see many of you at conferences. We’re in full swing of learning both academically and socially here! I’ll get started with some small groups soon.  I typically have groups that focus on the following topics: friendship, problem solving, and family change.  If you would like your child to be involved in any of these, or if you have any questions about them, please let me know.

I’d like to introduce you to something that I have introduced to the students.  It’s called the “Zones of Regulation”.  Students identify their feelings according to the zone they are in.


What it means

Looks like

Green Zone

Go!  I’m ready to learn and be a good friend.

I might be feeling calm or happy.

Blue Zone

Rest!  I have low energy and alertness

I might be feeling sad, tired, sick or bored.

Yellow Zone

Slow down!  I’m starting to feel out of control.

I might be feeling worried, scared or extra silly/excited.

Red Zone

STOP!  I have big emotions and am starting to feel out of control

I might be feeling very mad or terrified.

The first step is being able to identify emotions/zones, then we work on our “Get to Green” tools.  I’ll follow up in another article about that in the near future.

Let me know if you’d like more resources to help you implement the zones at your house.

Take care,

Jill Lesch

School Counselor

A Note from Ms. Meister...

Carved pumpkin

Trick or Treat?  Treat!!

It was a great treat for every student to pick out a free book at the recent Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you to Mia Stremcha and the team of volunteers that kept the book fair open for so many hours and to all who visited and purchased books! 

Veterans day invitation
dance 78
Tree lighting
Community events
culvers night
casino night
NLEF Social Media
Lead with me flyer

Wave 10-20-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


It has come to my attention that some items attached to books have gone missing during the current book fair. We cannot sell books that are missing the toy such as the Ninja Lego Lloyd mini figure. This reality results in less fundraising dollars for the school. 

I was reluctant to mention this issue to our North Lake School Community; however, we experienced stealing at the spring book fair as well.

Please talk as a family about this inappropriate conduct. It is the North Lake Wave Way to not take things that belong to others or are not paid for at a store.

Let’s COME TOGETHER and raise our little North Lakers with integrity, honesty, and respect.



As a reminder there is half day of school on Wednesday, October 25th.  Parent Teacher Conferences will be held from noon until 8:00 p.m.  If you need to schedule a conference, please contact your child’s teacher and every accommodation will be made to meet your family’s needs.  

Parents of 5th and 6th graders will still receive a private conference in the classrooms with teachers.  The conference format is unchanged.  It is simply, come when it works for you to meet individually with your child’s teachers.

The Women’s Center Inc. of Waukesha is hosting a community event in the Lakers’ Library on October 25th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. during Parent Teacher Conferences  The title of the event is Sex Trafficking, and the following topics will be highlighted including definition of human trafficking, prevalence in our community, myths vs. facts, and risk factors.  Content is geared toward parents, and childcare will be provided.  RSVP to the North Lake School office for childcare.


Mrs. Heather Apel has enjoyed getting to know the North Lake School families.  She lives in Hartford with her husband, Jared, and young son, Aiden, and Rowdy, the family’s Golden Retriever.  Mrs. Apel studied nursing at Concordia University and recently worked as a school secretary in the Wauwatosa School District.  The Apel family enjoys going up north and racing at Slinger Speedway.  Mrs. Apel has been a perfect fit at North Lake School and her favorite color is teal.  Stop by the office and say hello to Mrs. Apel! 

Gail Shine


Mrs. Gail Shine is working alongside Mrs. Diane Cull in the NLS Farm Kitchen.  Her favorite foods are pizza, soups, and salads.  Mrs. Shine and her husband, Bruce, have two children, one grandchild, and two black labs.  Mrs. Shine’s happy place is her cabin on the Wolf River.  Stop by for a hot lunch and say hello to Mrs. Shine!


The upper school, 5-8, will have Halloween celebrations on Wednesday, October 25th.  The lower school, K-4, will have Halloween celebrations on Tuesday, October 31st.  K-4 families are invited to attend the parade at 8:00 a.m. in the MPR.

Happy Halloween


Thank you to the Center Oak 4-H for constructing the beautiful fall decorations for this evening’s NLEF Fall Fest which runs from 6-8 p.m. tonight.  Members collected pumpkins, corn stalks, and even painted carved pumpkins and ghosts on hay bales to create a festive atmosphere for this event.  Great job!


Don’t forget the NLEF Fall Fest is tonight from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  Check out the map for all of the fun activities.  If you would like to attend and did not prepay, you can still come and pay at the door.  Reminder – children must be chaperoned by parents.  

Fall Fest Map


Thank you to all the families who came out to enjoy Culver’s and support NLS.  Next month, Culver’s night will be November 13th.

“There were lots of families, and it was a great event!!!!”    –   Ms. Mays

“It was wonderful to see so many North Lake families come to Culver’s and help raise money for our school.”   –   Mr. Budde

Culvers workers
Culvers Mr. Budde


Special thank you to Captain Shawn Hofstetter and the Merton Community Fire Department for their commitment to fire prevention education in our community.  The programming that your child experienced today would not happen without Shawn and Jen Hofstetter.  This former North Lake family continues to care about keeping children safe in the event of a fire.  The rescheduled event today is appreciated by students and staff.

Fire Dept
Fire Dept Visit
Fire Dept Visit

October Dates to Remember


7th Grade Camp Whitcomb Field Trip 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Girls’ Basketball Practice Begins


Tie Dye Day


Culver’s Night 5:00-8:00 p.m.


8th Grade Waukesha Expo Center Field Trip 7:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.


Kindergarten Glacier Rock Farms Field Trip 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Merton Community Fire Department  Visit to NLS


Book Fair Begins
School Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. – Library


Staff Meeting  2:30 p.m. – No Learning Lab


NLEF Fall Fest (formerly Pumpkin Chill)


Red Ribbon Day – Wear RED!


5th-8th Grade Halloween Parties


Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:30 a.m. Dismissal – 12:00 – 8:00 p.m. Conferences)
Women’s Center Presentation Library – 4:30-6:00 p.m.


NO School for Students


NO School


K-4th Grade Halloween Celebrations and Parade at 8:00 am

Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake Families! 

We are getting ready to celebrate Red Ribbon Week here at North Lake during the week of October 23 – October 25.  Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States.  Here at North Lake School, we focus on healthy choices and decision making with the younger students.  The older students also talk about decision making, refusal skills, and drug/alcohol facts.

Activities will take place in Guidance class, Health class, announcements, and discussions in homerooms.   We will also have a Wear Red Day on October 24th. Please join us in wearing red that day – it will let your children know that you support healthy choices, also!

Stay tuned for an opportunity to buy North Lake spirit wear VERY soon!

As always, let me know if there is anything I can do to support your child!

Jill Lesch

School Counselor


A Note from Ms. Meister...

parent conferences

Parents and Guardians:

You will receive your child’s Individual Student Report (ISR)for the Spring 2023 Forward exam at parent teacher conferences on October 25th, or it will be sent home with your child on Monday, October 30th. The ISR provides information about your child’s performance on the Wisconsin Forward Exam. The Forward Exam was administered during the spring of 2023 in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics for students in grades 3-8, science for grades 4 and 8, and social studies for grades 4, 8, and 10. As part of the Wisconsin Student Assessment System, the Forward Exam is a large-scale, standardized achievement test designed to assess what students know in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards.

Remember that the ISR is just one of many indicators of your child’s academic performance. In order to obtain a more complete picture of your child’s areas of strength and growth, it is important to consider information from a variety of sources.

For more information on ISRs, please review the “What is an Individual Student Report” document. Please also feel free to contact your child’s teacher/s or me with any questions.

Nancy Meister

(262) 966-2033 Ext. 134


Fall Fest
Book Fair Hours
CFC Community Newsletter
NLEF Social Media
Veterans day invitation
Lead with me flyer

NLEF Family Directory Ads

Are you a small business owner?  Would you like to possible reach over 200 new potential clients?  Consider advertising in the North Lake School Family Directory.  Please see the attached form for all details.  If you are in need of a form to fill out or have questions, please contact Mia Stremcha at miastremcha@gmail.com.  Thank you!

NLEF Directory Ads
Women Center program
MY View Bus
Bus Drivers Needed

Wave 10-6-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


I want to take this opportunity to thank the North Lake School Board for their strong support of our GREAT K-8.  The Board consistently makes decisions with your child’s best interests in mind.  There is a tangible trust among board members, school staff, and families.  This trust is evident in the staff’s years of service.  North Lake School staff has approximately 569 years of combined service to North Lake School.

Sue Schultz – President

Debra Schaber – Vice President

Marty Iverson – Clerk

Bob Gatchel – Treasurer

John Marchek – Member


North Lake School is so lucky to have hired Mrs. Allie Bickel.  Mrs. Bickel is working in the special education department and has two elementary aged children of her own.  Don’t blame her, but Mrs. Bickel comes from Chicago and roots for the Bears!  In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and coaching basketball.  It is a pleasure to have Mrs. Bickel join the Lakers’ team.

Bickel Family


It was a beautiful day for outdoor education on Monday.  Mr. McConville and Ms. Mays chaperoned the 7th grade to Camp Whitcomb for middle school team building.  North Lake School enjoys its partnership with Camp Whitcomb because it is such a treasure in our very own backyard.  

Student Quotes:

“Archery was so great!”… Bailey

“Splashing around in the canoes was cool!”… Everybody

“I would definitely come here next summer!”… Charlie

7th Grade Camp Whitcomb


The North Lake School Board is conducting an online survey to hear from district residents.  The Board is seeking input on the April 2024 referendum question.  District residents have received an informational postcard regarding the online survey with a QR code.  Paper copies are also available at North Lake School, Town Hall Library, and Town of Merton Town Hall.  Please encourage your neighbors to take advantage of this important opportunity to be heard.


The Women’s Center Inc. of Waukesha is hosting a community event in the Lakers’ Library on October 25th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. during Parent Teacher Conferences  The title of the event is Sex Trafficking, and the following topics will be highlighted including  definition of human trafficking, prevalence in our community, myths vs. facts, and risk factors.  Content is geared toward parents, and childcare will be provided.  RSVP to the North Lake School office for childcare.


This week the student spotlight is on Charlee Malosh.  Charlee plays the role of Mayor of Munchkin City in Lake Country Playhouse’s production of The Wizard of Oz.  You can experience the magic October 12-16 and October 19-22.  Show details and times can be found here or the Lake Country Playhouse website.

Charlee Malosh

What to do if my child is absent?

  • ALWAYS call the office to let Mrs. Apel know if your child is absent, tardy, or leaving early. 
  • Call 262-966-2033 and speak to Mrs. Apel or leave a message.
  • Classroom communication tools like Dojo or Google Classroom should NOT be used for reporting absences.  The office will let your child’s teacher know they are absent.
  • Preplanned absences should be reported to the office as soon as you know your dates.

What to do if my child is late?

  • ALWAYS call the office to let Mrs. Apel know that your child will be late.
  • Call 262-966-2033 and speak with Mrs. Apel or leave a message.
  • When arriving late, students MUST CHECK IN at the office for a late pass and lunch choice before going to class.
  • Reminder – school beings at 7:25 a.m.

What to do if my child is leaving early?

  • ALWAYS call the office to let Mrs. Apel know that your child will be leaving early. 
  • Call 262-966-2033 and speak with Mrs. Apel or leave a message.
  • When picking up your child early, please come to the office to meet your child and escort them to your vehicle.
  • We will try to have your child in the office when you arrive based on the times provided when you called.
  • Also, please direct any after school pickup/bus changes through the office.


busSchool safety is always a priority at North Lake School, and this priority includes bus transportation.  MyView is real time, map based bus locator and available as an app on your smartphone or tablet.  Parents can create alert zones around drop off and pick up points. When your child’s bus enters an alert zone, you will receive a notification.  No more worries about where your child’s bus is located! 

Please see the attached instructions at the end of the WAVE for detailed information.  If you need even more specific instructions to download and set up the app, please contact the office.

NLS Spirit Wear...Coming Soon!

North Lake Logo

October Dates to Remember


7th Grade Camp Whitcomb Field Trip 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Girls’ Basketball Practice Begins


Tie Dye Day


Culver’s Night 5:00-8:00 p.m.


8th Grade Waukesha Expo Center Field Trip 7:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.


Kindergarten Glacier Rock Farms Field Trip 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Merton Community Fire Department  Visit to NLS


Book Fair Begins
School Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. – Library


Staff Meeting  2:30 p.m. – No Learning Lab


NLEF Fall Fest (formerly Pumpkin Chill)


Red Ribbon Day


5th-8th Grade Halloween Parties


Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:30 a.m. Dismissal – 12:00 – 8:00 p.m. Conferences)
Women’s Center Presentation Library – 4:30-6:00 p.m.


NO School for Students


NO School


K-4th Grade Halloween Celebrations and Parade at 8:00 am

Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake families!  

We’ve been spending some time talking about bullying prevention in all grades recently.  We focus primarily on how to be an upstander and all of the different ways someone can help. 

Here are the things we talk about:

Be a buddy:  Show support for the target.  This could even be after the situation is over.

Speak up:  This is a brave one!  Tell the person bullying to STOP in an assertive way.

Interrupt:  Change the subject or invite the target away from the situation.

Tell an adult:  If you’ve tried a strategy and the problem continues, talk to an adult about it.

Practice is so helpful!  Although your middle schoolers may roll their eyes, they still REALLY benefit from talking through and practicing how they are going to show these upstander behaviors.

This is a great website you can use as a prompt for some discussion.

Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center

As always, let me know if there is anything I can do to support your child!

Take care-

Jill Lesch


A Note from Ms. Meister...

parent conferences

Come together!  The partnership we build together between school and family is important for student success.  Parent/Guardian and Teacher Conferences are a great way to share information about your child and get information from teachers about their academic performance and progress. 

North Lake School conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 from 12:00 noon to 8:00pm with a teacher dinner break from 4:30 to 5:00pm.  Click on the names below to sign up.  We look forward to seeing you at school. 

Kindergarten:          Mrs. Giesie                               Mrs. Toczyski (Restock)

1st Grade:                  Mrs. Tarkowski                       Miss Wartman

2nd Grade:                 Mrs. Brittnacher                    Mr. Ray

3rd Grade:                  Mr. Budde and Mrs. Kudis

4th Grade:                   Mr. Byrne and Mrs. Flannery

5th and 6th grade:  Mrs. Andorfer, Mr. Kaczor, Mrs. Richman, Mrs. Ruck

7th and 8th grade:   Miss Mays, Mr. McConville, Mrs. Minor, Mrs. Wagner

Specials and elective teachers: Mrs. Clauer (Phy. Ed.), Mr. Krieger (Music), Mrs. Lesch (School Counselor), Mrs. Lyons (Art), will all be available for drop-in visits. Feel free to stop by their classroom or office.

NLEF Family Directory Ads

Are you a small business owner?  Would you like to possible reach over 200 new potential clients?  Consider advertising in the North Lake School Family Directory.  Please see the attached form for all details.  If you are in need of a form to fill out or have questions, please contact Mia Stremcha at miastremcha@gmail.com.  Thank you!

NLEF Directory Ads
Community fellowship
Book Fair
Fall Fest
MA Open House
Women Center program
MY View Bus
Bus Drivers Needed

Wave 9-22-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


Honoring grandparents is a long standing tradition at North Lake School.  Thank you to everyone for patience and flexibility at this busy event.  Over 450 Salisbury steak lunches were served with pleasure.  Mrs. Cull’s farm kitchen ran smoothly with the help of Grandma Gail Shine.  

Grandparent Day 1
Grandparent Day 2
Grandparent Day 3
Grandparents Day 5
Crosswalk broken


Parents, please SLOW down in our parking lot when dropping off in the morning and picking up in the afternoon.  The crosswalk sign was recently run over in the parking lot!  Children must be escorted to and from your vehicle!   We do not want parents standing by their vehicles or in the parking lot at pick up.  Students are easily unseen at this busy time of day.  

Let’s all COME TOGETHER around this important safety issue.


Cindy Lofy

Mrs. Lofy lives in the Lake Country area and is excited to serve as North Lake School’s Speech Pathologist.  She enjoys reading, walking, and experiencing the fall colors.  Mrs. Lofy has a husband, two daughters, one dog, and one rabbit, named Cake Pop.  Please welcome Mrs. Lofy to our North Lake School family.



The North Lake School Board is conducting an online survey to hear from district residents.  The Board is seeking input on the April 2024 referendum question.  District residents will receive an informational postcard regarding the online survey with a QR code.  Paper copies are also available at North Lake School, Town Hall Library, and Town of Merton Town Hall.  Please encourage your neighbors to take advantage of this important opportunity to be heard.


The Women’s Center Inc. of Waukesha is hosting a community event in the Lakers’ Library on October 25th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. during Parent Teacher Conferences  The title of the event is Sex Trafficking and the following topics will be highlighted including  definition of human trafficking, prevalence in our community, myths vs. facts, and risk factors.  Content is geared toward parents, and childcare will be provided.  RSVP to the North Lake School office for childcare.

What to do if my child is absent?

  • Always call the office to let Mrs. Apel know if your child is absent, tardy, or leaving early. 
  • Call 262-966-2033 and speak to Mrs. Apel or leave a message.
  • You may also contact your child’s teachers to let them know about the absence.
  • Classroom communication tools like Dojo or Google Classroom should not be used for reporting absences.
  • Preplanned absences should be reported to the office as soon as you know your dates.

Forensics Club Coach Needed

Do you love public speaking and mentoring the youth?  Then, we need you!  Ms. Mays is focusing on her book club and seeking a new leader for the Forensics Club.  Please reach out directly to Ms. Mays at maylau@northlakeschool.org.

Picture Retake Day - September 26th

Empire Photography will be at North Lake School for Picture Retake Day on Tuesday, September 26th. 

Pictures will be taken of students who missed picture day, retake pictures, and Lake Country Kindergarten 3K and 4K.  

Please see that attached flier at the end of the WAVE for information on picture retakes.

Picture Day

Cross Country Run Accolades

Congratulations to all students who ran in last Friday’s Cross Country Run.  North Lake had a wonderfully large number of participants.  Mrs. Clauer is very proud of every participant.  They showed up and tried their hardest.  Listed below are overall team placings.  A huge shout out to the Girls and Boys 7-8 grade teams for bringing back the championship trophies!  Great job to everyone!

1st/2nd Girls

4th Place Team


3rd/4th Girls

3rd Place Team


5th/6th Girls

3rd Place Team


7th/8th Girls

1st Place Team

Ellie Nies 5th

Ava Haase 7th

Taylyn Curci 9th

Grace Robinson 11th

1st/2nd Boys

2nd Place Team


3rd/4th Boys

3rd Place Team


5th/6th Boys

2nd Place Team


7th/8th Boys

1st Place Team

Keegan Foerch 3rd

Lewis Wetzel 4th

Quinn Fulton 8th

Nolan Feltz 10th

Davis Murray 11th

Starting LIne Run
cross country run
cross country run


busSchool safety is always a priority at North Lake School, and this priority includes bus transportation.  MyView is real time, map based bus locator and available as an app on your smartphone or tablet.  Parents can create alert zones around drop off and pick up points. When your child’s bus enters an alert zone, you will receive a notification.  No more worries about where your child’s bus is located! 

Please see the attached instructions at the end of the WAVE for detailed information.  If you need even more specific instructions to download and set up the app, please contact the office.

NLS Spirit Wear...Coming Soon!

North Lake Logo

Wisconsin Day - 4th Grade!

Wisconsin Day

October Dates to Remember


7th Grade Camp Whitcomb Field Trip 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Girls’ Basketball Practice Begins


Tie Dye Day


Culver’s Night 5:00-8:00 p.m.


7th & 8th Grade Waukesha Expo Center Field Trip 7:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.


Kindergarten Glacier Rock Farms Field Trip 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Book Fair Begins
School Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. – Library


Staff Meeting  2:30 p.m. – No Learning Lab


NLEF Fall Fest (formerly Pumpkin Chill)


Red Ribbon Day


Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:30 a.m. Dismissal – 12:00 – 8:00 p.m. Conferences)
Women’s Center Presentation Library – 4:30-6:00 p.m.


NO School for Students


NO School


Halloween Celebrations and Parade

Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake families!  

It’s been a great start to the school year. 

New Student Committee:   Made signs to welcome our new students

School Community Committee:   Made plans for a school store

Service Committee:  Worked on a service project to provide school supplies for a school in need

Spirit Committee:   Planned our spirit days for the year


Spirit Day


Wisconsin Day


Tie Dye Day


Wear Red Day


Mismatch Day


DIsney Day


Ugly Sweater Day


Pajama Day


Spirit Day


Stuffy Day


Sports Day


Wear Green Day


Hawaiian Day


Color Day

3k&4k – Blue

K – Black

1 – Yellow

2 – Grey

3 – Purple

4 – White

5 – Pink

6 – Green

7 – Red

8 – Orange


North Lake Spirit Day


Neon Day

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help your child find success academically, socially, and emotionally.  We are all in this together!

Take care-

Jill Lesch


A Note from Ms. Meister...

perfect attendance

Welcome Back!

September is Attendance Awareness Month.  Our exceptional North Lake staff provides engaging instruction across the curriculum in the classroom every day.  So plan to arrive on time and attend every day.  I’ll look forward to seeing you learning in school.

To contact me, I am available at meinan@northlakeschool.org or (262)966-2033.

Nancy Meister

Director of Teaching and Learning

Retake day
MY View Bus
CFC Meeting
MA Open House
Women Center program
Bus Drivers Needed

Wave 9-8-23

Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .


It has been a wonderful first week back to school.  North Lake School is blessed to be 100 fully staffed by highly qualified professionals.  I am also pleased to report that Dousman Transport has secured bus drivers despite the significant shortage in Wisconsin.  Thank you to our North Lake School Community for helping to kick-off the 2023-2024 school year bright and early Tuesday morning.  Mr. Krieger’s rendition of the National Anthem was amazing and makes me want to add fireworks for next year!  


There have been some exciting updates in staffing in August.  Mrs. Gina Haase will continue her important work as support staff for the 2023-2024 school year.  Mrs. Renee Nies and Mr. Zach Berghouse presented the North Lake School Board with a significant monetary gift reinstating the Lakers Manufacturing Experience in grades 5 and 6.  This gift means that Mr. Dave Richman will work as an educational consultant for the 2023-2024 school year.  Finally, the North Lake School District is still in need of substitute teachers. Please contact Jenny Sellhausen at 262-966-2033 ext 156 or seljen@northlakeschool.org if you can help your school.


The North Lake School Board annually approves the District’s school safety and security plan.  Deputy Dan Adrian (school liaison officer) has updated the plan with the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department.  READ THIS:  There will be an announced school safety drill on Tuesday, September 12th to practice lockdown procedures.  These procedures include being quiet and hidden in classrooms.  Deputy Dan Adrian will be present to assist with this state mandated school safety drill.


The teaching staff worked many days in August to prepare for your child’s arrival at school.  Inservice training focused on the District’s new classroom management software, AristotleK12.  Teachers will use AristotleK12 to manage technology use in the classroom.  The K-2 teacher team was trained in Literacy Tasks.  The Literacy Tasks assessment tool will replace PALS for the 2023-2024 school year as the District’s phonological awareness and phonics screening device.

Student Leadership

Student Leadership Group

It was awesome to see so many student leaders return to school on August 21st!  Mrs. Lesch’s guidance with this group is truly appreciated.  Thank you to the following student leaders:

Emma Accola
Alejandro Alvarado
August Barke
Tommy Bartosz
Eva Berghouse
Fiona Berghouse
Bella Bielecki
Bentley Breidenbach
Elliot Daugs
Juliana Daugs
Hannah Dibb
Rylan Ecker
Reid Foerch
Reese Foerch
Keagan Foerch
Molly Geracie
Lena Geracie
Evie Gradel

Ava Hansen
Piper Hepp
Colton Herzog
Aubrey Hoffmann
Martin Hughes
Ruby Kujath
Elijah Lenling
Reese Millies
Maddie Nies
Ellie Nies
Xander Rivera
Grace Robinson
Elijah Rohlffs
Olivia Rohlffs
Charlotte Taylor
Meira Taylor
Violet Taylor
Kacey Van Slett
Kennedy Wesemann
Madelyn Westphal
Levi Wetzel
Parker Widenski
McKenzie Wood


Achieving Outside NLS

Eagle Scout Award

Former North Laker, Danielle Paddock of Scouts BSA Troop 90, recently earned her Eagle Scout Award.  Danielle emphasized her passion for band by designing and building instrumental band storage including a movable percussion cart and wall shelving.  It was a pleasure serving as Danielle’s advisor.  Congratulations Danielle!



Mini Donut Community Event

Come together logo




September Dates to Remember


Culver’s Night 5:00-8:00 p.m. Hartland Location


Grandparents Lunch
AHS Cross Country Run
“B” Friday


North Lake Harvest Fest


Budget Hearing 5:30 p.m. followed by Annual Meeting & September Board Meeting


Staff Meeting 2:45 p.m.


“A” Friday


Picture Retake Day including 3K and 4K


“B” Friday

Learning Lab

Our school library and computer lab are now open Monday through Thursday from 7:00-7:30 a.m. and 2:35-4:00 p.m. This is a community project and we welcome students, parents, and guardians to join us in the school library for homework help and computer usage. This program is not for childcare. It is open for specific study and research purposes. Students younger than 4th grade must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents and guardians are asked to pick up their children promptly at 4:00 p.m. at Door G.

Arrowhead Grade School Cross Country Run

The link to register 1st through 8th grade students for the Cross Country run can be found below or on the “Student” page of the North Lake School website.  Please register by Wednesday, September 13th. 

Please note:  No registration is needed for students in 5K and younger. They just show up to the starting line.


Lake Country Kindergarten Award Winners

2023 NLS Community Award Winner



Marvelous Mediterranean Meal

It is a pleasure when parents are our partners in the school community.  A special thank you to all of those who volunteered or donated items for the wellness Wednesday luncheon on August 30th. Mia Stremcha and Stephanie Eckstein coordinated this unique dining experience.

Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake families!  

It’s been a great start to the school year.  We’re seeing lots of smiles!

Each year, I like to remind families and students of my role here as School Counselor.  I am here as an advocate for students and a support for families and teachers.  I see all students throughout the year as I deliver Developmental Guidance and Health lessons.  Students will also have opportunities to take part in small groups on various topics, as well as to request to see me individually.  I am here to be a resource for you, also!  If you have questions or concerns about your child socially or emotionally, please let me know!  If you do NOT want your child to meet with me individually, please let me know that in writing as soon as possible.

We’ve been spending time this week as a school reviewing the expectations of the Wave Way.  You can find these resources under the “PBIS” section of the North Lake website.  

Our Leadership Group spent time together before school started planning for this year.  I will update you more on that, but wanted you to know that we have planned our first spirit day already!

WISCONSIN DAY  – Wednesday, September 20th

Wear your favorite Wisconsin themed apparel!

We are excited for a great school year at North Lake!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help your child find success academically, socially and emotionally.  We are all in this together!

Take care-

Jill Lesch


A Note from Ms. Meister...

Welcome Back

Welcome to a new school year! It is wonderful to see everyone “Come Together” ready to learn. 

Want to know more about what is happening at North Lake School? There are many ways to find out. This school newsletter, the Wave, is one place to start, it is published every other week.  And check out our school website at  www.northlakeschool.org

To contact me, I am available at meinan@northlakeschool.org or (262)966-2033.

Nancy Meister

Director of Teaching and Learning

Community Fellowship Corner
CFC Meeting