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Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .

Safety patrol


School safety continues to be a top priority at North Lake School. 

Recent improvements include:

  • Increased lower and upper school staff at dismissal
  • Shatterproof film on all office glass including windows and doors
  • New cross walk signage
  • Ongoing staff training 
  • Monitored building access and Raptor Visitor Management System

“See Something, Say Something” is a shared responsibility of the North Lake School community.  

I would like to create a school safety FAQs in future WAVES.  Parents, please submit questions or concerns that I can answer.  I would especially like to inform our youngest and new families about the Board approved safety and security plan.  



North Lake School has formed another community partnership to support the fine arts, specifically instrumental music.  Middle school students are invited to join the Lake Country Lutheran Thunder Band, directed by Becky Garlock.  There are 7 January and February large group sessions (Mondays – 6:30-7:30 p.m.) culminating in a March concert.  More information can be found in the Community Bulletin Board.

North Lake Dancers
Dancing to Taylor Swift - 22

Dance Group

January Dates to Remember


NLEF Mother/Son Bingo – Lakers Library – 5:45-7:30pm


7th Grade Boys Basketball – Merton Blue vs NLS – 5:30pm

8th Grade Boys Basketball – Erin vs NLS – 4:30 pm


Literacy Night Workshop – 2:45-4:00pm

5th Grade Boys Basketball – Richmond Purple vs NLS – 4:30pm

6th Grade Boys Basketball – Richmond Gold vs NLS – 5:30pm


7th Grade Boys Basketball – NLS vs Stone Bank – 4:30pm

8th Grade Boys Basketball – NLS vs North Shore White – 5:30pm


5th Grade Boys Basketball – Erin vs NLS – 4:30pm

6th Grade Boys Basketball – North Shore Black vs NLS – 5:30pm

A Note from Ms. Meister

January is the time for mid-year assessments. Your child may have talked about aimswebPlus, i-Ready, or semester exams. These assessments are teaching tools. They  provide valuable data for instructional planning, measuring student progress and identifying needs. Best practice dictates using current information about students in order to plan instruction. Mid-year is a good time to gather more information while there is still plenty of time in the school year to make a difference.

Look for results coming home in the coming days. The results from these assessments also provide families with information about student performance in the content areas of reading and math. Family support is a significant factor in student success.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, talk with your child’s teachers and please feel free to contact me at school.

Call: (262) 966-2033 Ext. 1134 or email:

Counseling Corner

love and logic

Hello North Lake Families!

Would you like to learn more about:

  • how to avoid power struggles and arguments with your kids?
  • how to set enforceable limits?
  • how to stay calm when your kids do upsetting things?
  • how to help your kids learn from their mistakes?

These are the things that we will talk and learn about during our upcoming Love and Logic parenting course which I will facilitate.  

If you would consider attending this 6 week course, please fill out this attached form.  I will be in touch to give more details as they come! 

As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!

Take care-

Jill Lesch

Riding the WAVE of Wellness


**We will be holding an eye exam in February in partnership with the Stone Bank Lions Club** 4K and Kindergarten will be tested, and families with students in grades 1-5 can choose to opt-in. Please email me at if you would like your 1st-5th grader tested or have any questions.

Cold Weather and Managing Asthma
Wintertime can be particularly rough on those who have asthma. When someone with asthma breathes in the cold air, it can cause the muscles in the airways to constrict rapidly and quickly bring about classic asthma symptoms including shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

For many of our students who have had one of the long lasting respiratory illnesses floating around this season, it is particularly important to take extra precautions when dealing with the extreme cold we’ve been having. 

Encourage your children to do the following if they are experiencing some sort of respiratory distress:

  • Keep your nose and mouth lightly covered with a face mask or scarf to help warm the air before breathing it in
  • Stay inside if it’s very cold outside
  • If you have an inhaler and start experiencing symptoms, use it immediately to keep your asthma from worsening


Becca Soya
Special Education Aide and Health Room Support

NLEF Wave insert
Golf outing
NLEF golf outing
CFC news

The Wave Attachments

Community Bulletin Board