Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .

It was a warm welcome on Tuesday. What a joy to see so many new and returning students to celebrate our great K-8. Thank you to the NLS teachers and support staff for setting the school year up for success!
The 2024-2025 school year core value is: “CONFIDENCE”. “We are not afraid of failure because we learn from it. We will accomplish our goals because of our ability to persevere.”
The school theme which expresses the core value in child friendly terms is: “FORWARD.” The North Lake School District is moving forward with the financial confidence of a successful referendum, a growing student enrollment, and a historical celebration of its 110th birthday!
There are two major 2024-2025 District Initiatives:
1. Perfect Attendance = Trek Bike Raffle
Research shows that regular attendance at school positively impacts academic performance and strengthens social relationships. North Lake School wants to recognize the importance of regular attendance this school year. Those students and staff members with perfect attendance will be entered in a raffle to win a Trek bike on June 6th.
“The world is run by those who show up.” ~ Ben Franklin
2. Bullying = Zero Tolerance
Communication is key and families are encouraged to report any student concerns early and often. 99% of the time uncomfortable situations improve when students, parents, teachers, and school leaders are ALL brought into the conversation. The North Lake School District Bullying Reporting Form has been streamlined and is supportive of zero tolerance. The Bullying Reporting Form is located at northlakeschool.org under Parent/Important Resources and available in hard copy from the school office. Do Not Fear the Form! We want to help solve problems.

End the Phone Based Childhood NOW. Parents, I encourage you to read this important article if you have not yet had the chance. The September 20th WAVE will highlight key takeaways from the read and suggest small changes starting here at school. As always hard copies are available in the office for your convenience.

Back to school means practice drills to keep students safe. There was an announced fire drill on Thursday and there will be an announced lockdown drill during the week of September 9th. Please contact the office if you have any questions about school safety.

- Always call the office to let Mrs. Daugs know if your child is absent, tardy, or leaving early.
- Call 262-966-2033 to report your child’s absence.
- You may also contact your child’s teachers to let them know about the absence.
- Classroom communication tools like Dojo or Google Classroom should not be used for reporting absences.
- Preplanned absences should be reported to the office as soon as you know your dates.

Non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication will be administered when parents have provided the Medication Administration Authorization Form AND the over-the-counter medication. The office does not stock over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Pepto-Bismol, etc. Thank you for your cooperation.

Our school library and computer lab are now open Monday through Thursday from 7:00-7:30 a.m. and 2:35-4:00 p.m. This is a community project and we welcome students, parents, and guardians to join us in the school library for homework help and computer usage. This program is not for childcare. It is open for specific study and research purposes. Students younger than 4th grade must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents and guardians are asked to pick up their children promptly at 4:00 p.m. at Door G.

Correction: AHS Cross Country Run
Parents, if your child is running in the AHS Cross Country Run, please sign up at northlakeschool.org and select the AHS XC RUN in the upper right corner of the website. Information for the run is not being taken by Mrs. Clauer this year as stated on the flyer.
All sign-ups are due on the website Google form by Wednesday, September 11th.
Flyer located at the bottom of the WAVE for more information.

September Dates to Remember
NLEF Pizza Fundraiser – September 6-20
Culver’s Night – 5-8 pm
September 11 Observance Day
Grandparents Lunch
Mildred Fish Harnack Day
U.S. Constitution Day
Wisconsin Day
Budget Hearing – 5:30 pm followed by Annual Meeting & Regular Board Meeting
Crazy Hair Spirit Day
POW-MIA Recognition Day
North Lake Harvest Fest and Parade
Picture Retake Day including LCK 3K & 4K
Frances Willard Day
A Note from Ms. Meister

Welcome to a new school year and all the new and exciting things to learn!
It’s been great to see our students moving FORWARD with CONFIDENCE through the school hallways, in their new grade level, and new classrooms with new teachers and new friends.
Our exceptional North Lake staff provides engaging instruction across the curriculum in the classroom every day. So plan to arrive on time and attend every day. I’ll look forward to seeing everyone learning in school.
To contact me, I am available at: meinan@northlakeschool.org or (262)966-2033.
Nancy Meister
Director of Teaching and Learning
Counseling Corner

Hello North Lake Families!
It’s been a great week. I love getting the students back in the building!
Each year, I like to remind families and students of my role here as School Counselor. I am here as an advocate for students and a support for families and teachers. I see all students throughout the year as I deliver Developmental Guidance and Health lessons. Students will also have opportunities to take part in small groups on various topics, as well as to request to see me individually. I am here to be a resource for you, also! If you have questions or concerns about your child socially or emotionally, please let me know. If you would rather that I do not meet with your child individually or in a small group, please let me know as soon as possible.
We’ve been spending time this week as a school reviewing the expectations of the Wave Way. You can find these resources under the “PBIS” section of the North Lake website.
Our Leadership Group spent time together before school started planning for this year. I will update you more on that, but wanted you to know that we have planned our first spirit day already!
Crazy hair! Mismatch clothes!
Show your spirit and have fun!
We are excited for a great school year at North Lake! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help your child find success academically, socially and emotionally. We are all in this together!
Take care-
Jill Lesch