Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .
Research supports higher test scores in smaller K-8 districts than larger K-12 districts. This data places the North Lake School District among the top performing districts in the state. Recently, U.S. News and World Report ranked the North Lake School District’s Middle School as #1 in the state! There is more good news…the North Lake School District teachers were Niche rated #2 best teachers in the state! These accolades support the benefits of a K-8 educational model. Keep in mind, the North Lake School District is in the bottom 25% of state funding (source: State of Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Informational Report #27 on School District Revenue Limits and Referenda, January 2023). Feel free to brag about your child’s GREAT K-8 at your holiday gatherings. A District that continues to do more with less!

It is always a busy time of year, and everyone is excited for Mr. Krieger’s concert tonight!
A couple reminders:
- Slow down in the school parking lot. Do not enter the Hwy. V V exit. Try to be cautious and courteous during the drop off and pick up times. Parents continue to be concerned so we need the North Lake School Community to COME TOGETHER for the safety of our children.
- Students should arrive at their K-4th grade classrooms and 5th-8th grade choir room by 4:30 p.m. tonight.
- There will be a full house for the show. If you need preferential seating, please contact the office today.
- Students should wear holiday dressy attire while keeping in mind it will get warm in the big gym.
- If you are a fan of K-4, sit on the north side. If you are a fan of 5-8, sit on the south side.
Finally, enjoy the show and be sure to support the North Lake Rec Club Community Tree Lighting following the performance at 6:15 p.m.

I received this text after dropping off the coats and wanted you to know how appreciated the coat drive was for Lake Country Caring. I think the timing was perfect!
“Thanks so much for dropping off today. The kids’ coat rack was basically empty on the bottom but was full of all sizes after the North Lake School donation was sorted.”
– Lake Country Caring Staff

In the spirit of “Come Together,” some of our grade levels have been buddying up to do special projects. What a great opportunity for connection and strengthening our North Lake family! Here are our 7th graders and 3rd graders working together to create their ornaments.

More cool cash was made at Culver’s Night. Thank you to Mrs. Andorfer and Miss Wartman for their service with a smile. The next Culver’s Night will be Monday, January 8th from 5-8 p.m.
Lake Country Kindergarten Concert

Awesome Academics

Submitted by Mr. Kaczor’s 5th Grade Science Classes
In today’s rapidly changing technology driven world, it is crucial for students to develop a deep understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. One exciting way to engage students in the world of electronics and circuits is through the creation of controllers using everyday supplies such as cardboard, paper, aluminum foil, and tape. By integrating a Makey Makey, an invention kit, into the learning process, 5th grade students go on a fascinating journey to design and develop their own video games or activities.
The project begins with an introduction to the basic principles of electricity and circuits. Students explore the properties of conductive materials, such as aluminum foil, and learn how to create simple circuits using these materials. They discover that by connecting the Makey Makey to their circuits, they can transform everyday objects into interactive input devices, allowing them to control various software applications.
One of the key aspects of this project is encouraging creativity and resourcefulness. Students use cardboard, paper, aluminum foil, and tape, as they work to design and construct their own unique game controllers. The process involves brainstorming ideas, sketching designs, and prototyping their creations. By utilizing their problem-solving skills, students learn to overcome challenges and improve their designs to ensure success.
Once the controllers are built, students connect them to the Makey Makey, a fun little microcontroller (link) that acts as a bridge between the physical cardboard controllers and their Chromebook. By attaching alligator clips from the Makey Makey to specific areas of their controllers, students establish connections that simulate keyboard inputs. As a result, their creations can now control student-designed video games or activities on their Chromebook computers.
With their controllers ready, students unleash their creativity to develop video games or activities that reflect their interests. They designed racing games, just dance games, push up contest games, shuttle race activities, or any other interactive experience they envision. By utilizing programming platforms like Tynker, students learn fundamental coding concepts while bringing their games to life. They integrate their controllers as input devices, enabling players to navigate through the games or interact with the activities.
The integration of simple circuits, everyday supplies, and the Makey Makey invention kit provides 5th grade students with a wonderful opportunity to explore the world of electronics, coding, and even a little game design. Through hands-on experimentation, critical thinking, and creativity, students not only gain a deeper understanding of STEM concepts but also develop invaluable skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance. This interactive project empowers young learners to become inventors, designers, and programmers, fostering a passion for STEM that will serve them well in the ever evolving digital age.
As we plan for future STEM activities in 5th grade, we kindly request your support in donating some materials. If possible, we would greatly appreciate donations of duct tape, aluminum foil, masking tape, Makey Makey kit(s), and thin copper wire. Your contributions will help enhance our students’ hands-on learning experiences. Thank you for your continued support!
December Dates to Remember
K-8 Holiday Concert – 5:00 p.m.
School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. – Conference Room
Ugly Sweater Day
No School – Winter Break – December 25 to January 1
January Dates to Remember
School Resumes – January 2
Boys Basketball Practices Begin
Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on generating ideas and planning
Screenagers at Swallow School – 6 p.m.
Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on writing a rough draft
School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. Conference Room 116
8th Grade Orientation at Arrowhead
End of 2nd Quarter
No School – Inservice
Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on editing and illustrating
Mother/Son Event at NLS – 12-2pm (Bowling)
Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on completing the final copy
Counseling Corner
Hello North Lake Families!
I hope that you are saving the date for the screening of Screenagers at Swallow School on January 9th. Our 6th – 8th grade students will be watching this film here at school after the parent viewing. This is an excellent opportunity for you to see it first and allow for some conversations about the impacts of technology on so many pieces of their lives. For parents of younger students, you will get some guidance and support for thinking about these impacts and setting some guidelines for use early! For more information, see the Community Bulletin Board – Screenagers.
In thinking about this popular topic, I wanted to share a resource with you that is my go-to place for questions and advice about media, technology, apps, movies, and so much more. The site is called Common Sense media. Here is the link: www.commonsensemedia.org/ I hope that you will find as much value in this as I do!
As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!
Take care-
Jill Lesch
The Leadership Group helped spread holiday cheer by doing a gift wrapping service project for their teachers. Students spent the afternoon wrapping gifts brought in by teachers so that teachers could just take them home and put them under their trees. Students are hoping that it helped take a little holiday stress away from their teachers who work so hard. Happy Holidays from the Leadership Elves!

Our 3rd and 4th graders have been invited to be a part of Lead With Me which is designed to give students an early start in developing leadership skills. Activities are run by leaders in the community who share their knowledge through engaging activities each session. If you are interested in joining, please contact Lindsay Kent at leadwithme.kent@gmail.com.
You can see they had a fun first session!

A Note from Ms. Meister...
It’s that time of year to begin thinking about Literacy Lights the Night. This is a great opportunity for your child to showcase his or her writing talents. Workshop nights will once again be offered after school in January for additional help. The flyer below is being sent home today, December 15th with students. So let’s brighten this winter with another fun filled evening of students’ creativity, Thursday, February 8th. For questions, please contact Kathleen Wartman, ext. 104.