7-8 Spanish
NLS offers Spanish to 7th and 8th graders. Spanish is highly recommended for all students to take in 7th and 8th grade, but not mandatory. Successful completion of 7th and 8th grade Spanish and passing the high school entrance exam in the spring of your 8th grade year will result in qualifying for Spanish II as a freshman in high school. This is a unique opportunity that has positive repercussions for college and beyond.
North Lake School is proud to announce its adoption of the Realidades Language Solutions by Pearson. This highly-acclaimed world language program combines research-based pedagogy with outstanding print and technology support. Our curricular goal is to build language proficiency and cultural understanding for the 21st Century.
Seventh grade Spanish is recommended for all students to take, but not mandatory. In this course, students explore culture and practice conversation on a daily basis. There is a great deal of partner work and interaction with others. Seventh grade Spanish is a lot of fun for students and includes lively games and songs.
The curriculum is derived from our new Realidades (published by Pearson) online resource and textbook. Topics and themes for seventh grade include:
- Activities
- Description of oneself
- School
- Food
- Health
- Holidays
Seventh grade Spanish is an important class in the pathway and preparation for high school World Language entrance exams.
Eighth grade Spanish is recommended for all students to take, but not mandatory. In this course, students explore culture and practice conversation on a daily basis. There is a great deal of partner work and interaction with others.
Similar to sixth and seventh grade Spanish courses, eighth grade Spanish is a critical class in the pathway and preparation for high school World Language entrance exams. This course spends a great deal of time covering content that is expected of Spanish 1 students at the high school level. Presentations, written work including compositions, and conversational speaking are all part of this high level preparation.
The curriculum is derived from our new Realidades (published by Pearson) online resource and textbook. Topics and themes for eighth grade include:
- Places in our Community
- Celebrations
- Going to a Restaurant
- My House Description
- Shopping
- Vacations

Mr. Tim Gliniecki
ext. 211