Library Media Center

The North Lake School library media program is based on the concept of free access, for all students and staff, to information that reflects the cultural diversity and the pluralistic nature of a global society.
The instructional library media program is committed to ensuring that all students will become literate and effective users of ideas and information. We foster the goal of lifelong learning for every student.
The North Lake School Library has subscriptions to the following websites:
- Destiny:
Destiny Library Catalog is used to circulate and search for books in our library catalog.
- BadgerLink
BadgerLink provides Wisconsin residents with licensed trustworthy resources. More info here: Badgerlink
- Discovery Education:
Discovery Education provides high quality, dynamic, digital content.
- CultureGrams:
The CultureGrams Online Database is a leading reference for concise, reliable, and up-to-date cultural information on countries across the globe.
- Edutypting:
Edutyping is web-based keyboarding software for schools.
Students can access these resources through ClassLink:
The community open library and computer lab is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00-7:30 a.m. and 2:35-4:00 p.m.
This is a community project where we welcome students and parents to join us in the library for homework help and computer usage.
This program is not for childcare.
It is open for specific study and research purposes.
If students younger than 4th grade attend, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Parents are asked to pick up their children promptly by 4:00 p.m.
Collaborative teaching partnerships support integration of technology throughout the curriculum at all grade levels.

Director of Teaching and Learning
Ms. Nancy Meister
ext. 134