Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .
North Lake School opens its library to the community before and after school. The schedule is 7:00-7:30 a.m. and 2:30-4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Kindergarten through 3rd grade students may attend with a parent, and 4th through 8th grade students may attend independently. This opportunity provides children a chance to make a choice by signing themselves in and out of the Learning Lab. Programs like this are meant to foster independence and develop study skills.
Once a student signs out, he/she is no longer under the school’s supervision. For example, children have checked out of the Learning Lab early to play on the playground with friends, leave to go to the Town Hall Library, or do not actually attend the Learning Lab. Parents, please check in with your child on his/her after school plans. The only District sponsored after school supervision is the Learning Lab (in the Lakers Library) or Extended Day program.
Overall, the Parent Teacher Conferences were successful. Thank you parents for taking time to meet with your child’s teachers. We recognize that the 5-6 team still experienced challenges connecting with families. Please know that teachers are available any time, not just on conference day if needed. If there are any concerns across the K-8 classrooms, don’t delay in reaching out to your child’s teachers, Mrs. Lesch, Ms. Meister, or Dr. Ackley.
The teaching staff had another great dinner. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Findley and their team of parent volunteers for making the MPR into a marvelous Mexican Fiesta. ¡Ole!
Parents must fill out the Medication Administration Authorization form in order for practitioner prescribed and/or over the counter medications to be administered at school. NO students should have access to medication in their backpack. This policy is for the health and wellness of your child. The form can be found on the website under Parents/Important Resources.
As part of the 2023-2024 North Lake School District Initiatives, the upper and lower schools are joining forces through the K8 Buddy Bonding program. Recently, 8th grade and 1st grade met in the Lakers Library to partner read and build relationships.
Red Ribbon Week School Spirit
Happy Halloween!
Spirit Wear Orders Due November 6th
North Lake School Spirit Wear orders are due Monday, November 6th. Orders after November 6th will not be accepted.
LEGOS Robotic Coaches Needed
We are looking for coaches to volunteer for the upcoming FIRST LEGO League Robotics Team. This year’s theme will mix robotics with art and music. Please contact gcornell@supportnls.org if interested.
First Snow of the Season
WAVE Correction
Gail Shine has two beautiful grandchildren not one.
November Dates to Remember
End of 1st Quarter
Mismatch Day
Veterans Day Brunch – Program at 9:00 a.m. followed by Brunch at 10:00 a.m.
NLEF Food Drive Begins – November 13-17
Culver’s Night 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
School Board Meeting – 5:30 p.m. Conference Room
Staff Meeting – 2:45 p.m.
Arrowhead Area 7-8 Dance – 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Disney Day
NO School – Thanksgiving Recess
NO School – Thanksgiving Recess
NO School – Thanksgiving Recess
4th Grade Field Trip to Skylight Music Theatre – 8:55 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Counseling Corner
Hello families!
It was great to see many of you at conferences. We’re in full swing of learning both academically and socially here! I’ll get started with some small groups soon. I typically have groups that focus on the following topics: friendship, problem solving, and family change. If you would like your child to be involved in any of these, or if you have any questions about them, please let me know.
I’d like to introduce you to something that I have introduced to the students. It’s called the “Zones of Regulation”. Students identify their feelings according to the zone they are in.
Zone | What it means | Looks like |
Green Zone | Go! I’m ready to learn and be a good friend. | I might be feeling calm or happy. |
Blue Zone | Rest! I have low energy and alertness | I might be feeling sad, tired, sick or bored. |
Yellow Zone | Slow down! I’m starting to feel out of control. | I might be feeling worried, scared or extra silly/excited. |
Red Zone | STOP! I have big emotions and am starting to feel out of control | I might be feeling very mad or terrified. |
The first step is being able to identify emotions/zones, then we work on our “Get to Green” tools. I’ll follow up in another article about that in the near future.
Let me know if you’d like more resources to help you implement the zones at your house.
Take care,
Jill Lesch
School Counselor
A Note from Ms. Meister...
Trick or Treat? Treat!!
It was a great treat for every student to pick out a free book at the recent Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you to Mia Stremcha and the team of volunteers that kept the book fair open for so many hours and to all who visited and purchased books!