Dr. Ackley’s Message . . .
The North Lake School Board approved an operational referendum question that voters will see on the April 2, 2024 ballot. If the referendum passes, the District will be able to exceed its revenue limit by $850,000 per year for the next four years.
Although the District made almost $500,000 in budget cuts for the current school year, the exceptional educational experience here remains intact. It is truly quite amazing that daily operations seem unaffected, but the financial need is real. The school staff has gone above and beyond to ensure a successful school year and strives to put children first. However, the broken state funding model still exists and does not provide adequate tax dollars to the district.
To learn more, please attend an upcoming informational meeting, read the attached MESSAGE TO FAMILIES, and visit the North Lake School website. See these attachments at the end of the WAVE and in the Community Bulletin Board.
The Wisconsin Association of School Boards awarded Sue Schultz a special recognition of 30 years of service to Wisconsin public school students, specifically those who attended North Lake School. The recognition was presented at the January 17th Board meeting and celebrated with the school community.

After all the excitement on Tuesday, January 16th, a parent suggested that I remind families about the MyView app. This app allows you to track your child’s bus in real time and can be very helpful on inclement weather days. The only caveat is that the app is attached to the bus, so it will not work if a substitute bus is used.
Read this recent testimonial from a mother of three. “I love it and encourage everyone to use it. I use it every day, so we know how much time we have to get our %$@! together. When we see her turn south at Monches Park, I turn into a drill sergeant.”
You can find the information on the MyView app at the end of this WAVE or in the Community Bulletin Board. You must reference the code listed when setting up the app.

Carter Curler
2023-24 Winner

North Lake School builds time into our board approved calendar for school cancellation days. Generally, unplanned days off of school will not be virtual or will not need to be made up. Be comforted with the consistency of North Lake School’s calendar. This is the time of year when teachers see the most growth in student learning.

Screenagers has been rescheduled. North Lake parents are invited to attend the North Lake student showing for 6th grade on Friday, January 26th at 1:30 p.m. in the Lakers Library.
For your planning purposes, the film is approximately 51 minutes long. This film is appropriate for 6th through 8th grade students and their parents. Seventh and eighth grade students will also be viewing Screenagers during their health classes on January 26th.

January Dates to Remember
End of 2nd Quarter
5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Erin – 5:30 p.m.
7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Lake Country – 4:30 p.m.
8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Lake Country – 5:30 p.m.
No School – Inservice
5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Swallow – 4:30 p.m.
7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.
8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.
Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on editing and illustrating
5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.
6th Grade Boys Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.
5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.
6th Grade Boys’ Basketball at Lake Country – 5:30 p.m.
7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.
8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 6:30 p.m.
Screenagers Presentation – NLS 1:30-2:30pm
Mother/Son Event at NLS – 12-2pm (Bowling)
Literacy Night Writing Workshops – Focus on completing the final copy
5th Grade Boys’ Basketball at North Shore – 4:30 p.m.
6th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.
8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.
7th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 4:30 p.m.
8th Grade Boys’ Basketball at NLS – 5:30 p.m.
Counseling Corner
Hello North Lake Families!
In light of our upcoming 6th, 7th, and 8th grade screenings of Screenagers: Under the Influence, I thought I’d share some of the things that we work on and resources we use here at school to encourage students to make healthy choices and have information to make good decisions around drugs and alcohol.
Primary Grades (K-4): Focus on making good choices, being assertive and sticking to what you know is right, decision making model of considering consequences of choices
Middle School (5-8): Continued focus on how to handle peer pressure, discussion of healthy ways to manage emotions, direct information about consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use
In 8th grade we utilize some outside resources including the Addiction Resource Council. This group comes in for 5 lessons with the 8th graders focusing on peer pressure, vaping, alcohol, marijuana and opioids.
What types of things can you do preventively at home?
- Start early working on healthy coping strategies and confidence building
- Educate yourself about the substances that are out there and what to look for
- Have (and stick to) consistent expectations and consequences for all things. This will help your kids to know that you will follow through and gives them one more reason to say no when their choices can have big consequences. Don’t start with this in 8th grade! Start with consistency when they are young. Believe it or not – they crave the boundaries even when they resist them.
Let me know if you’d like more resources or information about how we approach this topic here at school.
As always, please let me know if there are any ways that I can support your child!
Take care-
Jill Lesch